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Friday 29 July 2016

Discover the 10 special habits of highly successful people.

Who are they? They are always admired and adored. Everyone wants be like them but sadly few are able to do and endure what they did to become who they are!

By personal experience, reading tons of book and by examination of some of my patients, I realized that successful people have some certain qualities in common. So I want you to open your mind and follow me as I reveal this qualities to you because if you follow them you can and will surely be successful. No doubt about that, Read on:

You only need to spend a minute with them to know this. Successful people radiate confidence and assurance everywhere they go to. They are always confident in their ability and walk about with a high positive self esteem. They believe they can and will achieve what they want. They don't live in fear of anything nor try to please people!
They are their own man and they believe nothing can stop them except themselves!

Steve Jobs wouldn't have being so renowned if he wasn't purpose driven!
He actually managed to make the world smallest computer in a garage with less than a dozen partners. Now that's what I call SUCCESS!!
How did he do this you ask? It was because of his amazing purpose to create a computer that will be present in Every home all around the world!
Don't forget at this time computers were so big it took a room to occupy just one!
So by having a purpose of building a personal computer for every home he became so successful and rich.
Successful people always have a well defined goal in mind. They live for a burning purpose and this drives them to achieve success!
My faithful reader, it's time to stop living life as it come, pause, think and find a big purpose in life to drive you to success! It's ain't a maybe it's a must!

Albert Einstein got the idea of the quantum theory by a flash in his mind!
Successful people are great because of their creative imagination, they visualize vividly new things, new ways and plans to achieve success that no one has ever thought of.
Henry Ford was able to make the first automobile (model T)  by first creating the image in his mind!
Various analysis revealed that all peak performers were top visualisers, I.e they see themselves perform the action in their mind before they actually perform it so it's no longer new to them. This is why they succeed where so many others fail.
You should read "creative imagination" if you would like to improve on your visualizing skills. The book is magic!

We certainly won't enjoy movies, cinemas, internet services, Telecom's, iPhone, automobile, airplanes and so many others if their inventors weren't persistent. Imagine Thomas Edison being a quitter?  

Successful people don't take no for an answer!!
They are optimistic. When faced with a problem they refuse to dwell on the problem but they channel all their power to finding a solution.

All past and present achievers are those with a knack for persisting. These people stand firm in the face of adversity. They all faced failure more than once, but they don't see failure as the end, they got back on their feet and kept trying until they succeeded.

Like tends to attract like. And that is a rule successful people follow, they believe two heads is better than one. They mingle with like minded people that reinforces them and fellow positive thinkers. They don't stay with people that constantly undermine them or constant whiners. No-good! Their close friends are other successful people that they think alike and share ideas together. They don't move about with chronic losers and negative thinkers.
It's no secret that by choosing to be friends with successful people, one start succeeding too. Try this and get back to me!!!

This is very important it should be at the top of the list. A Successful man don't wait and waste time. These lovely people make prompt decisions and stick with it and this is why Warren Buffet is rich!!
Successful people don't procrastinate, they don't ever procrastinate, they act quickly, reach decisions quickly and seldom change it unless if absolutely necessary. People sometimes call this ability stubbornness but comically they have no idea.
This is a big problem nowadays, we find it easy to leave the important and do the unimportant or sometimes absolutely nothing. We live the useless "I will do it tomorrow" task force and we gain nothing from this except misery and regret at the end of the day.
Achievers tend to be decisive and they take time to plan out their action, but afterwards they waste no time at all in carrying out their actions.
If you want to be successful don't waste time. Time is the most precious commodity in the world, be decisive and don't procrastinate. It's the only way, read four hour workweek by Tim Ferris to learn how to get more done in less time.
I will be writing on combating procrastination in a couple of weeks. So stay tuned!

Dale Carnegie believes how successful you are is determined by how good you can communicate with others.
Successful people have this skill as second nature. They are masters of communication. They listen as much as they speak but when they speak they do so loud and clearly. They pass their point across in a way so good everyone wants to listen. Thomas Edison was so damn good at communicating!! No wonder he become so successful.
 ""even if you have a great idea, they will get you nowhere if you can't pass them across effectively"

Do you know what happened to Apple when they removed Steve Jobs as CEO? Yeah! they started failing and so awfully and utterly they had to call him back! But when he got back, he took apple to heights unimaginable by anyone. John Maxwell said in his book "21 irrefutable laws of leadership" that your effectiveness is determined by your leadership ability. 

Successful people knows how to achieve through others. They are great not because of their power but because they empower people to succeed. They don't have to do it all, they have this shrewd ability of improving people with their influence and making sure the impact last in their absence. 

Bill Gates became so successful because of this: his love for knowledge and constant improvement.
This is one big problem of one-time achievers. They slacken up and allow their hard earned success to get to the head and become egoistic. They think they know it all, they refuse to learn and better themselves and pitifully at the end they lose it all. It's always so shameful to watch. 
Meanwhile real successful people are always learning and improving themselves. This is what you should do too!

Success come naturally to those who live performing their passions. Seeing the likes of Bill Gates, Dwayne Johnson, Lil Wayne, Lionel Messi, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo d'Vinci , Thomas Edison, Usain Bolt, Zuckerberg and so on, this people made their carrier around their passion and that's why they succeed exceedingly.
When you do what you love, it's not a job for you it becomes fun and you get unlimited enthusiasm for what you do. Doing what you love makes you happy and when you are happy you will do and find out every possible way for your job to work out. Failure doesn't get to you when you enjoy what you do. FACT!!!

Now you know it all. The special ground breaking 10 qualities of successful people. What do you think about the write up, please drop your comment below.
I spend hours to bring this articles to you, sharing is caring, please share to your friends!!

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