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Friday 29 July 2016

How to build your dream self with the secret of the great countries!

Today am taking self development from a different route totally. I want to show you a tested a
nd trusted way by which you can't finally live your dreams. You can finally live as you have always wanted to by following this principle. But first lemme ask you a big question!

What made America so great? What made them the strongest nation on earth?

Think deeply about it. It's something you know well but you probably don't think it is the answer.  What made USA so great was the constitution and their enforcement of it.
Now why don't you exploit this great tool used by USA to become the greatest country on earth. Every great and successful person live by principles, they follow certain personally chosen rules and all their decisions and actions are based on this personal principles.
This is so important I am surprised how people take this for granted, living life as it comes, living to please people and being acted upon!
Steven R. Convey calls this the art of being principle centered.
So to build your dream self and live a great life like you have always wanted you need a constitution, a personal constitution containing your do's and don'ts, your mission and your vision.
This may take you a take you a time to do. But don't worry it's worth it!
This constitution will contain the following
1. The description of your mission

2. Your lifelong vision 

3. The personal values that guides you

4. The personal taboos you don't do

5. The type of lifestyle you want to live

Now this is not all, there are lots of people with mission statement out there but they don't follow them. So you have to make your personal constitution your top priority, see it as the thing that makes you or break you. Believe that if you don't follow it you become a criminal of self,  a self dream destroyer
Once you have all the info for your personal constitution, write it down on a paper and put it where you can see it always.
Make sure you read it at least for times daily until it becomes second nature.
If you can write a beautiful constitution and consciously follow it then you are on your way to living your dreams! Good luck!! 
These are some examples to help you. 

Spend a lot of time writing. Sharing is caring, please share with your friends. 

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