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Monday 18 July 2016

How to stop worrying in 4 simple steps

Worry is a strong feeling of anxiety over a particular thing. Research confirms it that more people are afflicted with worry now. There are a lot of things that brings about worry in our life. It could be an occurrence, a financial problem, insecurities, an upcoming challenge among other things that causes worry. The bad thing about worrying is that it's not nice, it makes people bitter and depressed plus heavy worriers are prone to
HBD and other cardiovascular diseases.But the beautiful fact is you can be free of worry. Am dead serious, by following the time trusted principles I would be outlying to you. You can and will live a worry free life ( Yea but only if you follow them). And they are pretty easy you would be surprised about how come you have missed them. Read on

Principle one: what is the problem?
For every reaction there is a stimulus. The worry is the reaction so now you have to find the stimulus, the problem causing the worry! Victor frankl once said ""Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." The problem about most people that worry is that they don't know the main problem they are facing. You may go around and around busy worrying when what you ought to do is to think and just find out what the problem is. On several occasions, CEOs call board meeting that last for hours and end in abject failure just because all the members are expert worriers. They don't know what the problem is and only when they discover the problem mediating the worry and start to channel all their energy into solving it would things be better. Imagine how short board meeting would last. So my first and foremost principle is a question you should ask yourself once you feel worry is creeping in. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM CAUSING THIS WORRY?

Principle two: find out the cause of the problem
Knowing the problem is not enough to stop worrying. You need to find the Genesis of the problem! Find out the underlying cause of the problem. Wait a minute and think about what is behind the problem because every problem has a cause. Capitulate on past events and find out what's causing the problem. If you can't locate the cause then make a research to find out. Then once you find out what's causing the problem,  believe me.. Your problem is half solved!

Principle three: find out all the possible solution to the problem.
At this stage. You know the problem and you know cause of the problem. Now the next thing on the agenda is too conduct a research and find out every possible solution to the problem!  You are surprised right?  Could it be that simple?  Yes it is! Find out all d way out of the problem and you can even go ahead and ask your friends to help you out with suggestions (Who says two heads are not better than one).
Though on some occasion the only possible solution is acceptance. Some things may happen to you that the only thing you can do is to let go and just accept it. An example is losing someone dear to you. So don't rule acceptance out of the solutions.

Principle four: choose the best solution immediately 
Once you find out the possible solutions. Don't delay don't even wait a minute choose the best solution and act on it immediately. Now you know the secrets of solving worry and it pretty easy. 

Pls share with others, you just don't know how much help it could be!

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