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Thursday 4 August 2016

See Why GRATITUDE is the key!

Okay rook, you are going to be exposed to the sole key to lasting happiness in the next couple of minutes. Yes I mean it.  The sole key to lasting happiness! All you have ever wanted!

Happiness is desired by all you know that. But I would like to change your mentality about attaining happiness right now. Right here!
If you think happiness comes from being rich you are dead wrong. Just imagine having a million dollars, a big house, a Bugatti and still all you think of is the things you would like to have! And that may probably be MICROSOFT!!  Then imagine the misery you would be in even though you are technically rich. But in reality you are as poor as humanly possible. Hope you get me? Yeah, good..
I have seen just as many happy face among the poor and wretched as I have seen among the rich and famous. I travel a lot and I meet loads of people so I know.
Happiness doesn't depend on outer conditions, happiness depend on inner conditions.
" It's not who you are or what you do or what you have or what happens to you that makes you happy. "- Dale Carnegie
Now this misery is what happens to you right now when you don't appreciate what you have but instead you focus on what you don't have. You become unhappy, you start worrying, you become miserable and you probably end up sick.
So this beautiful day I am going to introduce you to a shrewd technique of being happy. With this you can be happy whenever you want and wherever you are!
What am I saying
What I am saying is I am introducing you to a concept that will make you a master of your own emotions.
The simple technique is to practice gratitude.
When you feel unhappiness creeping in or you feel life is not caring enough for you. The normal thing ordinary people do is to give in and start worrying but you being extraordinary. But you are not ordinary you instead practice pro-activity by choosing your response in such situations.
The thing you should do is to consciously change your thoughts. What do I mean? I want you to change your thoughts to that of gratitude.
Did you just say what should you be grateful off? You had better not rook.
Start by appreciating all you have and what you are. Count your blessings:
For being alive.. Appreciate it

For being able to stand erect... Appreciate it

For being able to see... Appreciate it

For having friends that love you... Appreciate them

For having a family... Appreciate them

For being able to think... Appreciate it

For being able dream... Appreciate it

For your health... Appreciate it

For the air you breathe... Appreciate it 

You live in an apartment don't you. Some are homeless.. Appreciate your grace
These are some of things you should think of constantly. Develop a sense of gratitude and always be thankful. By being grateful you will experience a serene state and happiness will flood into you. Try this and if it's a ruse. Don't visit this blog ever again!
Also whenever someone does to you a good turn. Return it with a sincere appreciation. By being grateful you make them feel good and important and you both are joyous. Win win!!
They thing is this; LIKE attracts LIKE , and by changing your thoughts to that of gratitude you actually attract more thoughts of gratitude and since you can't be grateful and unhappy at the same time. You attract happiness automatically by being grateful.
Other circumstances can give you short term joy such as a success in an ordeal, sex, narcotics or a comedy show and so on but the fact remains that GRATITUDE is the sole key to lasting happiness.
Now when you adopt this technique and you start counting your blessing. You realize you have more than you think. You feel good and smile more. And by smiling more troubling about improvements in your relationships, health and in your business.
The Chinese are pretty wise because they said " an unsmiling face should never open a shop" I bet it you agree with that.
So that's the big lesson for today rook.
Always be grateful of who you are you are unique!
Always be grateful of what you have, a million dollar mind!
Always be grateful of what happens to you, great things!
Always be grateful for everything good in your life. Don't focus on the bad because everyone has things in their life the wish they didn't ,so you are not special in that aspect. By focusing on the bad you attract more bad thoughts and bad things which make things worst for you. Please focus on the good things you have, count your blessing and name them one by one. Be grateful and you will attract more things to be grateful about. That's the secret. Like attracts like!...

Hope you enjoyed this article. Let me know your opinion of it.
Kindly share to your friends. Thank you rook...

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