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Wednesday 27 July 2016

Discover the 8 things cheerful people always do

We all desire happiness in life and almost everything we do is done because we desire pleasure and happiness. Just try to name it,  anything you desire that the base reason for your desire was not to gain pleasure; money, health, wealth, clothing, rides, and all. Just name it!
But in reality, there are just as many unhappy faces among
the rich as are among the poor. And I realized the sole determinants of happiness are our thoughts, actions and habits. Reading this wonderful article you will get to know the 8 things that set the perpetually happy people apart from you.

What am I saying? I am giving you a cheat of what happy people do, so adapt this habits and become happy too!

  "happiness cannot be gotten from the outside, it is what happens in us that determines how happy we become"

1. Happy people love themselves

These lucky set of people believe in themselves. They all possess a high self esteem and give no time for self hate. Since they love themselves and can find no fault with themselves, they are seldom and if at all ever sad.
Believe in yourself and you will attract happiness, there is no trick to it. It's just plain fact!

2. Happy people choose to be happy

My mentor always said:  "our thoughts make us who we are! "
How true is that?  More than you can ever imagine!
Happy people have this knack or you may call it the will of choosing to be happy. Even in circumstances that others sadden and freak out, they are confident and happy just because they choose to be. It's amazing Really!
Just by power of will alone you can choose happiness. By think positive thoughts and reciting positive affirmations, we tend to become happy .
You probably think it's a lie. Why not give it a try and get back to Me!

3. Happy people are directed by a goal

How do u feel when you go out sprinting and trying to break a speed limit(a goal)?  Excited and happy right!
Now how do you feel wandering down the streets lost without any sense of direction?  probably Sad and confused right!
People with a fixed goal in mind are more susceptible to happiness than their unhappy counterparts. Having a goal inspires them and you can't be inspired and sad at the same time.
If you can find a goal that drives you and inspires you to achieve, you will have no time for sadness!

4. Happy people are decisive

Proactive decisive individuals don't usually get banged up with sadness issues. No. No. No. Such people tend to be more on the happy side throughout their life.
Happy people reach decisions quickly and seldom change them. Even when they do, it takes time.
But unhappy people tend to make decisions slowly, postponing important actions that will lead to their betterment. They are often idle and lo and behold, guess what idleness attracts?  Yes. Sadness!

5. Happy people are very cooperative

People often referred to as having high spirits love cooperation. They are always a part of something big. They volunteer, they hang out with people, making them laugh, the happiness of such people are just purely contagious (no wonder they are loved everywhere they go) .
Such kind of people listens, participates and help in every way required of him or her. There spirit are just so high
I bet it you know two or three people like that! Well if you still spend most of your time is a small cubicle. It's time to live and be happy! Get high on the spirit of cooperation.

6. Happy people do what they love

Is this weird? We live in a world that 80% of people don't like their jobs( did you just say wow!!, I was wowed too!) . Very Unhappy people study what they have no passion for and then this guy's go ahead to work a job they don't like and at a company they have no love for. It's just plain impossible for this people to gain lasting happiness. The happy ones do what they love at a place they love!!!
As for me, I love reading, writing, teaching, business and mild sports. Those are my passions and I find a way to make money from these things I am extremely good at. You should too!
If you give me advance math, details ,writing codes etc I will fail horribly and this is what millions are battling with everyday. Trying to excel at something they have no love for, it would be easier for The Hulk to lass through a needle hole than for them to succeed. fact!
   " a man can only succeed at what he has unlimited enthusiasm for"
Find your passion and find a way to make a living doing it...

7. Happy people count their blessings

Happy people frequently refer back, count and appreciate what they are blessed with. They don't capitulate on what they lack and desire and end up worth themselves to bad health. Nope!!!
Instead they appreciate all they have and have faith for the best.
"if you are unhappy with what you have, then you won't be satisfied when you get what you want"

8. Happy people have open minds

Common to the happy ones is the possession of an open mind. Happy individuals believe in continuous learning and constant improvement. They don't take it to the head and Believe they know it all ( some egotistical dudes are just fun to watch).
Happy people are always confidently trying to gain knowledge and better themselves!!

8. Happy people have the right friends 

Hang out with losers, become a loser!
Hang out with fools, become a fool! 
Hang out with Hally folk,  become a happy folk! It's that simple. Like attracts like and we are influenced by the actions and behavior of those they frequently see.
Happy people hang out with like minded people. They usually avoid terrible grouches and douches..
A word of advice if you wanna be happier, start moving with those who always seem happy. They are not hard to find!

Now that's it. The 8 things all happy people have in common,  starting from loving oneself to having the right friends.
I am pretty sure article was helpful. Caring is sharing place click the share buttons below to share to your friends. I really appreciate!!
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