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Wednesday 27 July 2016

The big reason why people don't want to hang out with you.

Do you wanna make friends easily and be a magnet that attracts people. You sure know those individuals that everyone loves being with. What does these people do that makes us love them so much? What makes this people special you ask? The answer is so simple and you have probably heard of it before! The answer is smiling !!!
These people find it easy to smile. They think positively and they don't wallow in sadness, they are always of high spirit and prone to laughter. This people can make you laugh when you don't want to smile. They smile when they see you and always have a happy spirit

What am I saying!

You need to smile often. Currently with my experience treating people I realize those that smile more often have less health issues. I don't mean they don't get sick, they sometimes do but they don't get knocked up with high blood pressure, heart attack and psychological disorders.
Analysis reveals smiling more causes the release of a stress-eliminating hormone in the brain that makes us feel cool.

The big reason why people don't really like you is that you are probably a grouch, you don't smile often. Try this and see the magic it will bring upon you.

Salesman know the power of smiling. They smile all day and reflect happiness and they tend to sell more when they smile. Or would you prefer to buy from a frowning dude instead of buying this same thing from a smiling pretty lady who seems happy just to sell to you? If yeah, something is wrong with you

But James why should I smile? I have no reason to smile?

Okay let me tell you the reason you should smile more.
Choosing to smile makes you happy and the more you are happy, the more people wanna hang out with you. People are technically attracted to those who smile more. Dale Carnegie believes smiling is the greatest tool for winning friends.
And beside smiling makes you more beautiful. It brings out your eyes and people admire that and want to hang out with you.
Also people that think positive and smile more often seem to connect with people easily. I have met tons of people just by smiling at them or compliment people for their beautiful smile (hint on making new friends).

So congrats, you just discovered the reason some guys don't wanna hang out with you and you can work on that. Smile more, laugh heartily and people will start to love being with you. It's as simple as that
See 16 reasons From Humfington why you should smile more

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