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Tuesday 26 July 2016

See the 8 possible reason you don't succeed.

We go about our life day after day dreaming of achievement and about amounting to s
omething. Sometimes these dreams comes true but unfortunately for some most times it doesn't!  Why? You may ask?  Relax I will be sharing with you top 14 reason why some individuals fail in life. Read on
"our thoughts and our actions make us who we are, and as a man thinket so he becomes"
This quote is so true that it ought to be instilled into everyone, I mean at a very young age and in school. We all know successful people, we see them all around us; the likes of Obama, Usain Bolt, Christiano Ronaldo, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet etc the list goes on and on. This people are living their dream and you might be wondering. How come?
Well the simple answer is not LUCK, nope they ain't lucky and it's all about their habit and thought that what makes them different from you. Thats the reason they succeed where so many others fail.
Highlighted below are the top 14 reason why people fail (the are actually more than 30 reasons) . Crosscheck to see if you possess any and strive to get rid of it.

1. Self hating

  This is so common nowadays. Almost everywhere I go I see defeated people, people with such low self esteem and poor self image (it's so depressing because it's so common). They have forgotten that humans are meant to be great but surprisingly I realize some have just lost all faith in self and their abilities. They believe they can't achieve so they don't. They believe that they will fail so they often fail. They will failure existence into their daily life.
It is only when we believe in our abilities and become confident that the universe submits to our will. Only then can we achieve and succeed in our endeavors.

2. Negative thinking

I said it once that our thoughts makes us who we are. One big reason why people fail is their negative thinking. This group of people tend to see obstacles in everything. Whenever an idea is suggested to them they say:
"it's a good idea, but it's impossible, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages"
The don't believe in positive thinking. They don't believe that if you want something badly enough nature submits to you and you would find a way to get it ( visit thelawofattraction.com to build on this). I confess I used to belong to this crew and my life was really pathetic then. Thanks to the book "man's search for meaning",it changed my life and showed me the power of positive thinking. And since then I have realized that this has the secret of successful people.

3. Lack of a purpose in life

Have you played soccer before? Probably yes. You sure know how invigorating it is to score a goal in the opponent side, you play for hours and the primary goal is score at your opponent side. It is really exciting isn't it? Same thing for basketball,ball,golf etc. The goal is to score a point.
Now imagine removing the goal post or the backboard. Now imagine how long you can keep up the enthusiasm for the game. Not long I think.
Why? It's because their is no drive to play!
Same thing is for those living a life without a purpose in life. A well defined Purpose gives us enthusiasm and enthusiasm is vital for success.
  " man will succeed at any vocation he has unlimited enthusiasm for" .
So many people cruise through life purposeless and end up failing because they failed to ask themselves the important questions
1. Why am I here, what is my sole purpose for being alive ?
2. What do I want, what is my sole desire that will give me pleasure and how do I get it?
By answering this questions we can find purpose for our life and live a successful life.
You might want to read "purpose driven life " to build this skill.

4. Procrastination

This is actually the biggest reason why people fail in this time. Analysis shows 85% of Americans procrastinate ( Surprised? I was too). Also analysis shows that successful people are decisive individuals and they tend not to procrastinate.
Indecision and postponement of decision and action are what brings about failure in our life. Successful people tend to reach decision quickly and tend not to change them easily while unsuccessful people tend to reach decision slowly and change it often.
Is there something you have always wanted to do and you are waiting for the perfect time. Bro the perfect time is never gonna come. Make your decision and take your action right now and stick with it. Now is the best time to start!! Don't wait for tomorrow, only failures procrastinate.

5. Low control of self

This is so obvious it shouldn't be mentioned at all. Weak willed people tend not to succeed (unless you are extremely cute ) and we find that successful people are those who are strong and have full mastery over themselves. They live on their own terms doing only what they want to do, they are not moved by emotions or external factors when making decisions.
Once you have master over yourself, you are on your way to become successful!

6. Living in fear

This is so important it should be placed at the top of the list. Based on an analysis pasted out in NYT, it was revealed that 8 out of every 10 individuals have a particular sense of fear they are dealing with.
   "when we become fearless, life becomes limitless"
No-one living in fear is likely to succeed in any endeavor. The most prominent of this fears is the fear of criticism. A lot of people make decisions based on pleasing others, they don't work on actualizing their ideas because they fear what others think. These type of people tend to fail and live a meaningless life. Don't be one!!!
Instead live confidently, believe in yourself and your abilities, do what pleases you and don't care what others think.
Do u think Abraham Lincoln would have been so successful if he was fear ridden? No I thought not!

7. Wrong friends

Isn't it funny that most of the world richest people are friends.
Do u seem to notice that like attracts like. In school, all the cuties hang out together, same for the brains, the nerds, the rich kids. That just how it is, who you hang out with determines a lot about what happens you. You can't hang out with a bunch of losers and negative thinkers and expect to succeed. It's just plain impossible.
Failures tend to hang out with other failures and demoralizing people which is why they never stop failing. Hanging out with the wrong friends can lead to them spoiling your moral and you ending up doing nothing. Which is worse than failing!!!

8. Closed mind

Why do u think Bill Gates is so successful. He said it himself, he said its due to the fact that he loves to learn and improve himself.
Now this is common with successful people and vice versa. Individuals that fails often are those with a closed mind, they don't want to learn anything and plan ahead, instead they work on guess work. They fail to grab information and prepare for a coming task. Having an open mind and the willingness to learn and improve are the settling pillars of successful individuals.

9. Wrong Job

In a world that 90% of individuals are unhappy with their jobs. They are just eager to secure a working place after college and don't give a damn about who they wanna work for or why they wanna work at the company. As the years progress the get bored with their job, lose all enthusiasm and get to face the true reality.
Now such individuals are just being lived, the are not living. They become depressed, unenthusiastic and since success requires enthusiasm they always fail because they have no love for their jobs.

10.  Inability to cooperate

One more top reason why people fail to achieve is not wanting to cooperate. Some don't want to form an alliance, the don't believe two heads are better than one. They want to take on the world alone but guess what?  Lol they fail horribly!
Form an alliance, what I called a brain club makes it easier to achieve a goal because it brings about a merge of ideas, new ways out of problems are discovered and new compromises are suggested. Cooperation is essential for success, don't try to take on something bigger than you, try instead to form an alliance ( you can do anything but it's easier when you form an alliance).

11. Lack of persistence

Persistence is king when it comes to succeeding. Successful people don't quit when faced with a setback, they retreat and keep trying until they succeed. It took Henry Ford more than 2years to build the model T automobile, he wasn't a quitter he believed it was possible to cast 8cylinders in one block and achieved it. But he couldn't have done that if he wasn't persistent.
Steve Jobs had a team build apple two in a garage. How did he do it at a time computers occupy a whole room? He did it by believing and by pure persistence.
Unsuccessful people tend to quit at the first sight of adversity. They even hope for obstacles so they can stop.
  "quitters don't win and winners don't quit"

12. Lack of enthusiasm

I have talked about this above in other reasons. Nobody succeed at any venture he hates. We need to be enthusiastic about a goal before we can actualize it. We need to have this drive and this is gotten by having a definite purpose and goal in mind.
Those who lack enthusiasm in what they do are prone to fail.

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