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Saturday 16 July 2016

The great confidence idea

  The Genesis of this blog was born from an idea and this idea was gotten from my personal experience and a local research which some friends of mine and myself performed some months ago. From 10 confidence tests carried out in colleges all around d country, it was revealed that 7 out of every 10 students has a certain degree of inferiority complex. 35% lack social skills and the most intriguing is that 90% have a certain phobia they are dealing with personally . How do I know this is true
?  You are asking right,  well I used to be one of those 7 out of 10 and I lacked all social skills but I didn't have a phobia. Seriously (*sniffs*), I had phobias, loads and loads of them. Infact I used to eat, drink, sleep and wake up with them. I was sure I was the most pathetic guy on earth, that I was a mistake ( I sound pretty messed up right. Gosh you don't know the half of it).
  The long story cut short was I took a mysterious turn around. I got confident I became social and now I can't even count my friends( m dead serious) . Now this didn't happen overnight. It started with a desire to be someone. It started with a burning desire to mean something. It started with a desire of not to live an ordinary pathetic and fearful life. Then I backed this decision with awesome action. I tackled my insecurities at every second every minute of everyday until confidence became an habit. Now I created this blog because I realize I wasn't the only one with such issues and I wanna help others in similar issues out.
  Several times a week, I will be posting articles, links to articles and media files on building confidence and practicing proactivity . I will be suggesting books for you to read( I won't suggest a book I didn't read),great blogs for you to follow and will be sharing with you stories of great men and how the achieved greatness and how you can be great too! if only you would dare to face the world. Believe me when I say  "our thoughts make us who we are and by changing our thoughts we can therefore change who we become". Loads of tips, ideas and quotes all for you every week on JSB.
  It surprises me greatly how our minds seems to manufacture obstacles for us. And this obstacles looks so real that when we see them we back down most of the time. But really, only when we take action then did we realize we can do almost everything we have been afraid to do. I am a medical student and newly a blogger. In 3 days times I will be posting an article titled " unbelievable and oversimplified ways of making friends  ". In it I would highlight simple ways to make a great first impression , tips to make people like you and why you should start liking yourself because if you don't love yourself then you can't love others and then no-one would want to be your friend. Thanks for reading this and see you in 3 days. And don't forget YES YOU CAN!!!

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