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Thursday 4 August 2016

Discover the 3 P's vital to be success

I always say it on JSB that one thing that sets the rich apart from the poor and the unhappy from the happy is their thoughts and their habits. And by changing your habits you can change your destiny...

By analyzing various wealthy and successful men, studying how they live, their behaviors and attitudes, I realized they all shared some certain behaviors. If you desire success but you find it is always slipping away from you then you should please read this!
Success is lovely and widely desired by all but not everyone can give what it takes. Here are the 3 most important habits you must adopt to achieve success. Just by adopting this habits you will start to notice a change in your life and become attractive to success....
Don't make a mistake of taking this for granted..


Finding a purpose is the first step to become successful. Bill Gates and Henry Ford won't be successful if they had no purpose. They had a purpose to change the world and they did. So this is the first step to take, find a purpose to drive you, no matter how crazy it sounds and don't give a care of others opinion of it.
Do you wanna make a million dollars!    Good...
Do you want to be a CEO!   Fabulous..
Do you want to be rich and famous!    Amazing..
Do you want to be a renowned scientist!   Great..
How about winning the Nobel award or you just want to have enough money to do what you want.
How about being a renowned footballer or athlete
Do you want to dream of running 100m in 8sec
Make up your mind today find that Big goal. If it doesn't scare you then it's not big enough. Decide on that goal and make the achievement of it your top priority. Pour all your believe on it, believe that achieving this your goal is what you are one earth to do.
Make it your life purpose. Don't choose a goal that won't motivate you, choose that exact thing you have always wanted to do, your great desire and make it your life purpose. Have such a high self esteem that you convince yourself that you deserve it. Do that and you are ready for step two....


Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, don't give up..........
Repeat this to yourself a thousand time everyday. Make it your watchword because people have his love for running away at the first contact with discouragement.
     Winners don't quit and quitters don't win! Always remember that!
Bill Gates didn't get rich easily, he faced a lot of setbacks but that did not set him running but instead he learned from his setbacks and pushed on for more...
The big cheat of success is to change your view of failure. Don't see it has the end instead see it as a delay, learn from mistakes you made and try again. And don't ever stop trying till you win or you die.
Do you see that light bulb in your room. The guy who invented it failed 10000 times before he finally made it to happen. So you failed just once and you ran. Please don't do that you are meant for great things!
Persistence is the key and you will finally succeed if you won't stop trying!
Once you master resilience you are ready for the last step. 


This is also something people take for granted. I marvel at how people live in the illusion of time. They want to make a million dollars in a day and not give a drop of sweat for it. Imagine that!
Okay this is they key. Successful people find that purpose to drive them, acquire the determination to persist and they also learn to wait and they think positive while they think.
   Successful people do not hurry!!
Hurry is the great killer of success at this time we are. People don't wait when they are faced with a difficult situation and end up making a wrong decision and end up failing. They don't wait to grow their success and they all want it in a second. Failures are all what they are! Utter failures
So to achieve success in any venture you need to know that you will have some major setbacks, it is inevitable any you should prepare for it. When the discouragement reveals itself don't rush with the flow and end up making a success killing mistake but instead take a step back and be patient, see the wider view, be positive, discover your mistakes ,take a step to correct them immediately and keep going.
Don't live meaninglessly ....
Don't live cowardly.....
Don't live in a hurry....
That's my contribution to you today. Keep on succeeding rook and live your dreams.
Tell me what you think about this article and kindly share. Thank you

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